Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Car Day

Car day

So there I was, at my friends house excited as could be. I could finally drive my friends jeepy looking car. The car was really shiny, it was silver colour like tinfoil, the car was in good shape. The engine grumbled, I  was thinking that it might quite low on fuel, but it wasn’t. I jumped in the car, I twisted the key to make the car start.

The fuel filled the air with its diesel smell as I started the car, I drove past the really creepy old barn. It was midday and I was going through the murky forest, it was quite foggy and you could not see anything.

I saw far away, a big tree branch, that had rips in it and could possibly fall on the vehicle. CRASH!!!! went the car, I had crashed into a log. I knew I was in trouble.