Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Number 1 pet !

Last week we did some persuasive writing about the number 1 pet,
My group did Worms, there were other groups etc.

Ever wondered what the perfect pet is?Well we have the answer, worms, it’s cheap and easy to care for, its productive and great for pranks.

Reason 1: A worm would make an awesome pet because they are super cheap and easy to care for. Worms are not like dogs or cats they are purely fed by your food scraps! Which means they will not cost just your leftovers. The space they will need is about 1meter by 1meter for a worm bin and you will only need about 1000 worms they will need 125g of food each day for a dog they need 22-35 kg of food a week. If you don’t want to buy worms you can just go into your backyard and dig them up. Also worms don’t need any exercise compared to having to walk a dog every day. A

Reason 2: Have you ever wondered what could grow plants faster?Well Worms are perfect for worm farming and producing worm wee.You can grow plants faster with worm wee.They are easy to reproduce as they mate on the soil and their babies would make production faster. Worms eat your food scraps so you will not have to clean up your table after you are done eating.It doesn’t matter if they die because they can reproduce really fast.

Reason 3:

Worm’s would make the best pet because you can use them for pranks to freak people out.

Monday, 24 July 2017


Let's Make a Survival Kit (TECH)

We should have a torch, water, first aid and toilet paper.


Today we learnt mandarin; Example
Nz means in mandarin: wo shi xin xi lan ren

Zaoshang Hao = Good morning
Wanshang Hao = Good Evening
Ni hao = hello
Xie Xie = Thank you
Zai Jaim = Good bye
Wo = Me
Hao = Good
 Dajia = Everyone

Zaoshang Hao Dajia!

Monday, 1 May 2017


Last term my goals were
  1. I want to learn my times tables 11 to 12 by the end of the year
2.I want to learn how to do a dilshan in cricket :)

So far, i've learnt that volume is like cubes

This term my smart goals are...

1.too get better at Te reo and writing
2.to score a try in rugby

Im going to achieve these by...
focusing, not talking. getting to work.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Car Day

Car day

So there I was, at my friends house excited as could be. I could finally drive my friends jeepy looking car. The car was really shiny, it was silver colour like tinfoil, the car was in good shape. The engine grumbled, I  was thinking that it might quite low on fuel, but it wasn’t. I jumped in the car, I twisted the key to make the car start.

The fuel filled the air with its diesel smell as I started the car, I drove past the really creepy old barn. It was midday and I was going through the murky forest, it was quite foggy and you could not see anything.

I saw far away, a big tree branch, that had rips in it and could possibly fall on the vehicle. CRASH!!!! went the car, I had crashed into a log. I knew I was in trouble.